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the 7th annual

Dutch Traditional Chinese Medicine Congress

"Nan Jing"

Overcoming the 81 Difficulties

19 October 2024 - ONLINE

2 & 3 November 2024 LIVE

Call for Posters / Guidelines

Dear member,


The 7th annual Dutch Traditional Chinese Medicine Congress “Nan Jing”  Overcoming the 81 Difficulties 2024, is pleased to announce that the  congress will span an intensive 3-day period and will feature internationally – renowned plenary speakers  on day 1 online and plenary lectures and workshops on day 2 an 3 live at the Fletcher Wings hotel in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


In addition, TCM professionals will have the opportunity to share their research and clinical findings. As part of the conference there will be a call for posters. DTCMC encourages the submission of all innovative TCM research, new effective approaches in clinical practice and outstanding scientific studies either in basic or in integrated clinical TCM research, presented on posters. At the same time, we want to encourage young and promising researchers on whom progress in the field of acupuncture, TCM and related techniques relies on.


The poster portal is now open, and we are pleased to invite all candidates, TCM practitioners from all TCM disciplines, to submit their abstract. You are encouraged to send in your abstract before the deadline Monday, September 16, 2024 at 11:59pm ET to 


Please upload your abstract as a Word file and a PDF file. Don’t forget the correspondence name and email address.

After successful submission you will receive a confirmation by email.


Abstracts will be reviewed by the Congress “scientific committee,” which will determine the abstracts selected for the poster presentation.


If your abstract is accepted for the poster presentation at our live DTCMC congress in Rotterdam, the presenting author is required to register for the congress. Presenting your poster provides you with the opportunity to engage with other attendees, share your research and start conversations that may lead to future collaborations. Your poster enables you to discuss very specific aspects of your work.



Abstract Submission Guidelines


First step in the process of responding to the call is the submission of your abstract. To submit an abstract for consideration please follow the instructions below.


  • Language: English or Dutch

  • Title: to be typed in sentence case

  • Authors’ name: in mixed-case letters (first name and family name in full), affiliations (institute/clinic/university, city, country) in lowercase 

  • Text lay out: of the abstract must be typed in Times New Roman 12-point, single line-spacing, and not exceed 450 words, title not included.Content for research abstracts: For abstracts reporting on research, including clinical trials, ensure the following sections are included: general description/Objectives - Methods – Results - Conclusions/commentary. Other abstracts should clearly indicate the structure of the proposed presentation

  • Submission format: All abstracts must be submitted as both a Word file and a PDF file

  • Contact information: Don’t forget to include the corresponding author’s name and email address

  • Submission method: Abstracts should be submitted via email to

  • Presenting author: The person who submits this form will be considered the presenting author

  • Submission deadline: The deadline for submitting an abstract is 16 September 2024

  • Acknowledgement of receipt: You will receive an email confirming receipt of your abstract submission. If you do not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please contact us at

  • Notification of acceptance: Abstracts accepted for poster presentation at the congress will be notified by mid-October, with details on poster preparation to follow



Poster Submission Guidelines


Your abstract is selected for poster presentation, please read the details on preparation of the poster carefully.


  • Title in bold

  • (Co-)authors names

  • Organise the content in the format of a scientific abstract:

    • an introduction paragraph presenting the research problem and aim of the study or objective

    • a methods paragraph

    • a results paragraph

    • and a conclusion paragraph

  • Affiliation of first author as a note at the bottom

  • Collaborating institutes if any by adding their logo

  • Please upload your poster as PDF file (not as a power point) with a maximum of 3 Mb

  • Don’t forget to mention the correspondence name and address



Some tips on how to prepare your poster:


  • Bring the conclusion up front in the poster and present it as “bullets”

  • Important information can be emphasized highlighting key words

  • Avoid long sentences but try to make all your text messages in bullets

  • Avoid detailed tables but try to illustrate your results in graphs and flow charts

  • Tables and figures should be included only if necessary

  • Colours can be used to stress certain sections, but do not exaggerate

  • Films and other interactive, material or animations are not possible

  • Hyperlinks will be non-functioning



Poster Format Recommendations


  • Posters should be printed in high resolution on matte paper, A0 poster size 841 x 1189 mm (33.1 x 46.8 inches)

  • Vertical orientation (portrait scape format), 2-column format, large title space, complete and concise text make it easier for your audience to read

  • Landscape format will be accepted too

  • A comfortable font size which can be read from 1 to 2 meters away is recommended

  • The body of your poster should have a minimum 24–26-point font

  • We suggest that you bring an A4 or similar format photocopies of the poster to the Congress to be distributed

  • Please upload your poster as PDF file (not as a Power Point) with a maximum of 3 Mb. Don’t forget the correspondence name and email address



We look forward to your contribution and thank you for your participation in the Dutch TCM Congress!



Our Address

Salverdaplein 15
6701 DB Wageningen

Sponsorships & Exhibitors

We offer various sponsorship & exhibitors packages.

For more information mail to:


You can send an e-mail to :


Be a volunteer!
We're sorry but this year's team has already been completed.
However, you can still secure your spot for the 2025 DTCMC.

Do you want to work together with colleagues and students in Traditional Chinese Medicine on one of the most unique TCM congresses. The number of participants at the Dutch TCM conference grows every year due to the wide range of unique, instructive and informative lectures given by renowned international and national speakers.


Expand your network within TCM and work together with colleagues on this inspiring event.

As a volunteer you have free access to all lectures. If you are a practicing member of NVTCG Zhong, you will also receive NAPS for the lectures you have attended.


Sign up today and secure yourself a spot on our volunteer team. You can register by sending an email and resumé to


Yours sincerely,

Also find us on:
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© 2024 DTCMC presented by NVTCG Zhong

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